Prestigious Award Presented to Innovators Behind the ZEUS Testbed
The Nevada National Security Sites’ (NNSS) ZEUS Testbed Optical Diagnostic Build Team has been recognized with the Defense Programs Award of Excellence by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). This accolade highlights the team’s significant achievements in advancing the nation’s Stockpile Stewardship Program.
Since its inception in 1982, the Defense Programs Award of Excellence has acknowledged individuals and teams for remarkable contributions in areas such as quality, productivity, cost efficiency, safety, and creativity. These efforts support the NNSA’s overarching mission to maintain and enhance the safety and effectiveness of the U.S. nuclear stockpile.
The ZEUS Testbed, currently being constructed at the Principal Underground Laboratory for Subcritical Experimentation (PULSE) at NNSS, is set to revolutionize the investigation of subcritical experiments. This cutting-edge testbed focuses on dynamic neutronic characteristics and is complemented by advanced optical diagnostics, including Multiplexed Photon Doppler Velocimetry (MPDV) and broadband laser ranging with standard PDV. These tools are essential for gathering velocity and positional data to support neutron measurements.
Dr. David LaGraffe, NNSA Interim Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, praised the team’s accomplishments while presenting the award. He stated, “Across the NNSA enterprise, the federal and contractor teams are doing great things for our country and its defense. I had the opportunity to review many of the packages submitted for the award nominations – and I am simply amazed. Having done some technical work myself, I can appreciate the craftsmanship and technical skill that is needed to complete this project.”
The fabrication of these sophisticated systems is no small feat, involving the procurement and management of hundreds of components. The MPDV’s designs underwent substantial updates and documentation, requiring thousands of hours for each system’s fabrication.
Joshua Friedman, the Senior Principal Engineer and Team Lead, expressed his positive experience working on the project. He remarked, “It was a pleasure working on this project team with so many talented people. When you put together this many intelligent and hardworking individuals, great work gets done.”
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