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Arizona Governor Declares November as Family Caregiver Month

Arizona Honors Family Caregivers with Dedicated Month

In recognition of the vital role family caregivers play, Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona has declared November as Arizona Family Caregiver Month. This move highlights the contributions of nearly 12% of Arizonans who dedicate themselves to the care of family members dealing with dementia, chronic illnesses, disabilities, or aging-related needs. These caregivers often pause their own lives to offer the necessary support and care, contributing over 800 million hours of unpaid work annually, equating to an estimated $14.5 billion.

Governor Hobbs emphasized the importance of these caregivers, stating, “Family caregivers are unsung heroes, providing critical and compassionate care for loved ones that goes above and beyond what’s provided through the healthcare system.” She expressed pride in officially recognizing their efforts through this proclamation.

Arizona has laid out comprehensive plans to bolster support for its aging population and their caregivers. The Arizona State Plan on Aging for 2023-2026 and the Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia State Plan for 2024-2029 are designed to create a supportive framework for these essential caregivers.

Arizona AARP State Director Dana Kennedy praised the initiative, remarking, “Family Caregivers are the backbone of our Long-Term Care System. In Arizona there are 850,000 family caregivers that provide billions of dollars of unpaid care to families and loved ones. AARP Arizona and our members commend Governor Hobbs and all of her staff for making Family Caregiving a priority and acknowledging all the work that they do every single day.” Kennedy also expressed optimism about continuing collaboration to support caregivers, both now and in the future.

For more details, read the full proclamation here.

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